Broken or fallen off tooth – It’s normal for kids to lose their baby teeth naturally. But, if you’re an adult and one or more of your teeth are loose in their sockets or pop out without any accident or trauma, then that’s a cause for concern. You need to seek emergency dentistry as soon as possible to save your tooth or teeth. You might have a dental complexity that you didn’t know about and only instant action can save your teeth.
Severe infections and toothache – Have you been experiencing unbearable pain in your teeth and mouth despite maintaining proper oral hygiene? You must call an emergency dentist immediately. Such painful toothache can result from severe infections, decays or cavities and it won’t disappear by itself.
Bleeding gums and mouth – Are you getting a weird, consistent metallic taste inside your mouth? The chances are that you have been bleeding from within without even noticing it. Bleeding gums are an indication that you have periodontal disease. You must seek professional help as soon as possible because it could become potentially life-threatening if given time for the disease to progress. While slight bleeding on a single day should not freak you out, occasional or regular bleeding is a red flag.
Trust only the best when disaster strikes
Are you looking for a reliable emergency dentist in Virginia Beach who can save your oral health from potential dangers? Then, our qualified experts at Lakeshore Dental are the saviors you have been searching for. Don’t wait till an emergency comes knocking at your door – call us today!